Personal Information

 Associate Professor

Department of  Astronomy

Faculty of Sciences

Contact Information

Phone: 64120 Ext. 73798


Magdy Ibrahim Imam EL-Saftawy.

 Associate Professor


Dr. Magdy El-Saftawy

   1- B. Sc. in Astronomy - Faculty of Science - Cairo University - May 1984.

     2- M. Sc in Astronomy - Faculty of Science - Cairo University - July 1991.

     3- PhD. in Astronomy - Faculty of Science - Cairo University - October 1996.

     4- Associate. Professor Degree in September, 2004.


  • 1979

    High School degree from , Imaba Secondary Mellatry Schoo, الجيزه, مصــــــــر

  • 1984

    Bachelor degree from Astronomy DepatementFaculty of Science, Cairo Univerisity, القاهرة, مصــــــــر

  • 1996

    Doctorate degree from Astronomy DepatementFaculty of Science, Cairo Univerisity, القاهرة, مصــــــــر


  • 1986-1991

    Assistant Researcher, National Research Institute of Astronomy & geophysics, القاهرة, مصــــــــر

  • 1991-1996

    Research Assestant, National Research Institute of Astronomy & geophysics, القاهرة, مصــــــــر

  • 1996-2004

    Researcher, National Research Institute of Astronomy & geophysics, القاهرة, مصــــــــر

  • 1998-1999

    Associat Proffesor, Faculty of Science - Al-Azhar Univer., القاهرة, مصــــــــر

  • 1999-2000

    Gust Prof., Control Engeneering Dept., البورج - الدينمارك, الســــويـد

  • 2004-2007

    Associat proffesor, National Research Institute of Astronomy & geophysics, القاهرة, مصــــــــر

  • 2007-حاليا

    Associat Profesor, Faculty of Science - King Abduazez Univ., جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2012-حاليا

    Proffesor, Space lab. - NRIAG, القاهرة, مصــــــــر

Research Interests

1. Observing Artificial Earth's Satellites using Laser ranging techniques.




3. Study and Choice the best orbit Earth satellite missions.


4.Studieng the space debris orbits.

5. Space Dynamics.


6. Space Physics

Scientific interests


Celestial Mechanics 1 341 فلك
Space Physics 422 Astr
General Astronomy 201 Astr
Astronomycal Application using Computer 304 Astr
Variable and Bainary stars 321 Astr
Celestial Mechanics (2) 442 Astr
Perturbation Techneque 696 Astr
Special Caurse - II 697 Astr

Areas of expertise